1. RUV_Hanna_

How do you behave here?

Get up, wash, drink, eat, dress
Stay home/go out
Work/don’t work
Go shopping, cook, eat/eat out
Stay alone/meet people
Do something/do nothing
Be awake/sleep

Daily activities happen here and there.
What influence does the environment have on them?
How do behaviour patterns change in different spaces?
What functions does a place assume?
Are remaining rituals preserved,
do they adapt or are new ones developed?

Hanna Burkart is asking these questions,
while living in different spaces and analysing their infuences.
The results of the analysis end up as documents and are
represented through performance.
Objects that are used for activity patterns and
their new arrangement serve this purpose.
Visitors are observers and actors.
Their behaviour becomes part of the analysis.

RAUM UND VERHALTEN, How do you behave here?  

Paulusplatz 5, 1030 Wien 
01.06.2017 - 28.06.2017

Performance, installation, objects, text, photography, 2017
42m2, Ausstellungsraum, ebenerdig, 2-seitig vollverglast, einsehbar von Passanten; Strom, Kalt-,Warmwasser, WC

From 5th to 28th June, the exhibition space at Paulusplatz 5 will be used for its designated purpose and beyond, day and night: it will serve as an exhibition space, workspace, social space, lecture room and living space. The three-week composition How do you behave here? which explores the topic Space and Behaviour is the thesis of her degree course, Site-Specic Art. This time, the role of the university as a place and social space, the forms of communication and the behavioral patterns of the people working there are considered retrospectively and rearranged at the exhibition venue.The use of the objects in the space and her drawn-out sojourn there liberate the space from its designated purpose. In the occupant‘s absence, the objects alone accomplish what one expects of an exhibition. Hanna Burkart will live and work at Paulusplatz. Visitors will be received: family, friends, companions, colleagues and lecturers – the day of the diploma ceremony will be another episode in the series as friends, colleagues and jury will also be received as guests. Over the entire period, the behaviour of the visitors will be observed and analysed in relation to the space in various configurations. The questions of why work and other tasks in life are usually considered separately, whether these divisions are automatically assumed, and whether new designations can emerge through conscious actions will be collectively examined.

Der Ausstellungsraum misst 8 x 5,4 Meter.
Zwei Seiten davon sind vollverglast, sie sind zum Paulusplatz und zur Paulusgasse hinaus gerichtet.
Die Eingangstüre, ebenfalls verglast, befindet sich in jener Ecke, in der die beide nach aussen orientierten Seiten zusammenlaufen.
Eine unauffällige Türe an einer Innenwand führt über einen kleinen verfliesten Raum mit Waschbecken und Spiegel zur Toilette.
Der Boden im großen Zimmer ist ein graugestrichener Estrich.
Die Wände sind weiß. An der Grenze zur Decke hängen Metallschienen, in denen Stromkabel verlaufen.
Die Steckdosen befinden sich, schwer zugänglich, ebenfalls an den Metallschienen.
An der Sichtbetondecke hängen alle eineinhalb Meter Abstand Leuchtstoffröhren in transparenten Plastikverkleidungen.
Die Atmosphäre ist kühl. Die Akkustik ist schlecht

© Copyright 2017 Hanna Burkart